Neuro Interventions

Cerebral Angiogram (DSA)

An angiogram is a brain blood artery examination. It follows the same process as coronary and heart angiography. During the surgery, a catheter is inserted into a leg artery and moved up to the blood arteries in the brain. The surgery lasts 10 to 15 minutes, and the patient can leave the hospital the same day after 6 to 8 hours of observation.

Carotid Stenting

A vascular surgeon performs a treatment called carotid artery stenting in which they place a thin, metal-mesh tube called a stent into your carotid artery. The stent expands inside your artery to improve blood flow in regions where plaque has obstructed it.

Aneurysm Coiling

endovascular coiling is a minimally invasive procedure. In this procedure, aneurysms can be treated without opening the skull or undergoing brain surgery via endovascular coiling.

Pre-Operative Embolisation of Tumor

Blood flow to a tumor is decreased during a treatment called preoperative embolization before it is surgically removed. This is done by injecting a clotting substance into the artery, which shuts off the flow of blood to the tumor (embolization). The procedure is often performed a few days before the operation.

AVM (arteriovenous malformation) Embolization

The amount of aberrant blood vessel connections that develop in the brain is decreased by AVM (arteriovenous malformation) embolization. Without delivering blood to critical tissues, an AVM causes blood to flow directly from the arteries to the veins. Brain tissue begins to deteriorate in the absence of an ongoing supply of oxygen and other nutrients.

Intracranial Stenting

To stop strokes, doctors frequently combine intracranial stenting with intracranial angioplasty. A wire mesh tube (stent) is inserted into a constricted artery during intracranial stenting. To open the artery, the stent expands. It remains in place to stop further constriction.

Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Stroke

Mechanical Thrombectomy is the most effective interventional treatment for removing the clot from the blood vessel. It’s most effective when started as soon as possible after a stroke. he management of acute stroke has revolutionized with the advent of mechanical thrombectomy. It involves aspiration or mechanical removal of clots using stent retrievers to restore the blood supply to the brain. Timely restoration of cerebral blood flow using reperfusion therapy is the most effective maneuver for salvaging ischemic brain tissue that is not already infarcted. There is a narrow window during which this can be accomplished since the benefit of reperfusion decreases over time.

Flow diverter placement for brain aneurysm

A minimally invasive method that doesn’t require a craniotomy is flow diversion. Using a catheter and the flow diversion technique, an interventional radiologist inserts a stent—a supple, flexible mesh tube—into the blood channel where an aneurysm has developed. The blood flow is immediately changed away from the aneurysm by this procedure. By rerouting the blood flow, the aneurysm is relieved of pressure, which reduces the risk of a rupture. As new cells develop over the stent over time, the aneurysm is sealed and the vessel is healed.

Dural av arteriovenous fistula (AVF) embolization

An arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is a connection between an artery and a vein that is not normal. A dural arteriovenous fistula occurs when the fistula occurs near the dura (the covering material of the brain). The most common form of treatment for an AVF is dural arteriovenous fistula (AVF) embolization. This procedure is performed by an interventional radiologist who inserts a catheter into an artery (usually the femoral artery in the front of the hip).
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